Giveaway & Competition rules

Oculus Quest 2 Giveaway rules!
To enter the giveaway a person must comment* on the competition post on Instagram. And register on the website.
- 1 Oculus Quest 2 will be given as a prize
- 1 Comment per person counts.
- A comment must include one of the team names mentioned on
- The winner will be chosen by our developers subjectively on November 12th.
- The winning comment will be randomly chosen from all the right answers.
- We will contact the winning person on the 12th of November and make an agreement on shipping and other details.
- The winner must provide us the location (shipping address) where they want the prize to be shipped, or they can get it from our studio (this address will be provided by us).
- We will choose if the shipping address is valid for us. The winner might need to pay the shipping costs.
- When the prize might arrive is not certain, depending on where the winner lives, availability of the Oculus Quest 2, and other circumstances*.
- Participants must have a public account.
- When winning the competition the participant must agree that we share their name (or Instagram account name) on our Instagram.
- Participants can not be in a work-related agreement with U24 Solutions.
RTX 3080 Contest rules!
To enter the giveaway a person must post a picture of his drawing or render (either way a visual representation) of either Kobold or Kyra in another “skin” on their Instagram and include #COSDrawingChallenge in their caption and tag us @CradleOfSins in your post. Only the #COSDrawingChallengen is required.
- 1 RTX graphics card will be given as a prize
- 2 posts on our Instagram and 1 post on our Facbeook indicate the same competition. One has the “gladiator/knight” Kyra reference images and the other one has the “Lizard” Kobold references.
- By “SKIN” we mean a slightly or more different representation of the character. Changing the looks of the character in your own unique way.
- The winner will be chosen by our developers subjectively on December 27th.
- In choosing the best picture/drawing etc we will take to account the quality, style, color, and other subjective forms of rating.
- We will contact the winning person on the 27th of December and make an agreement on shipping and other details.
- The winner must provide us the location (shipping address) where they want the prize to be shipped, or they can get it from our studio (this address will be provided by us).
- We will choose if the shipping address is valid for us. The winner might need to pay the shipping costs.
- When the prize might arrive is not certain, depending on where the winner lives, availability of the RTX 3080, and other circumstances*.
- Picture size is up to the participant to choose, but we recommend at least 1080×1080 pixels up to how much Instagram allows to post.
- The perspective(s) you choose to draw* the character is unconstrained.
- The winner must accept sharing their image with us and give all the creative commons rights including the image to us when entering the competition.
- Participants may post several images for the competition.
- Participants must have a public account.
- When winning the competition the participant must agree that we share their post on our Instagram account and include their account name in the post as well.
- Competitors can not be in a work-related agreement with U24 Solutions.
Hitchin, UK