
Devlog before the Beta release!
Beta release is at the door, but first let’s cover the things we have been cooking in the last eight months. We shall divide this

More Concept Art!
We’re re-inventing our map design and layout. Adding more interesting twists and turns to navigating the current map with a few extra mechanics. This will

Making a Good PVP Melee in VR
One of the main selling points in Cradle of Sins is the Player versus Player (PvP) aspect of it. It may seem simple at first:

Spectator Mode, New Character & Map
Spectator Mode Since we started working on Cradle of Sins, we were mainly focused on developing the game from the players’ side; how the game

VR Fitness Interviews Cradle of Sins Alpha Cup MVP
VR Fitness interviews one of the Cradle of Sins’ players RexarCZ

World’s First VR MOBA Tournament Concluded. Winner Grabs a $3,500 Cash Prize!
U24 Solutions is the studio behind the highly ambitious upcoming Cradle of Sins VR MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) video game, and they just recently