1.5.2 Small update (Features & Fixes)

Hello there! This update took us a few weeks but were glad to introduce you some new cool stuff. Most of this patch content is pretty minor but does give some spark to the gameplay. There are some bugs that we have already identified and will fix first thing on Monday. Visual updates: Status effect […]
Devlog 1.5 – New Map

These updates keep on coming! Oracle’s Peak finally shows it’s mysterious lands to the players. With it’s compact design it tries to make the game more intense. There are also some other “quality of life” changes that make the game a lot better, step by step. Visual updates: New map Buff flower Tower ring particles […]
Another update – Main menu

Fresh update from the oven! It’s been a while you have heard about us. This update brings the much anticipated VR menu in the game. Visual updates: Main map ground overhaul VR Main Menu Improved impact visuals Shop banner new fonts Waterfalls added New Minion skins New Features: Players will now be automatically […]
New Game Update!

Overview: This game update begins the process of making the fight with AI more fun. Visual updates: Tower Crystals now flash when damaged Slightly changed Wizard and Harpy’s projectile trails New Teleporting effect New Grenade and Kyra Ultimate targeting visual Tower aiming beam modified Minions properly blend from death animation to ragdoll / not always […]
Oculus Quest 2 giveaway

Cradle of Sins Quest 2 Contest subscribe BE THE FIRST TO GET INFO ABOUT OUR GAME
Top Steam Games To Lookout For in November 2020 – We are in!

We are in the gameskeys.net list! Read article about top steam game in November 2020 Every month around one thousand games are released on Steam and it is almost impossible for the gamers to try all of them, usually some very creative games are missed by the gamers that is why we have curated […]
Aoki, xQc, Pesky vs Headhunterz, Sodapoppin, AxisMunde in Cradle of Sins VR battle

Beat & Battle Tournament Round 4 Here is the fourth round between the superstar player Teams. Where Team Crystal took the win with xQc, Steve Aoki and PeskyCashew. We sent all these legends VR equipment to see what they think of VR eSports Tournaments. We matched them together with 2 streamers who are already professionals […]
Beat & Battle Event Recap

https://youtu.be/758txZn6fWg First of all, we want to Thank all of you that accompanied us at this event. It was a hardcore showdown for all of our staff and people from outside that helped us orchestrate the tournament. We had enormous scope and ambitions plans and our biggest enemy was time. The event took 10 days […]
Devlog before the Beta release!

Beta release is at the door, but first let’s cover the things we have been cooking in the last eight months. We shall divide this into three different segments visual overhaul,new map and gameplay changes. The visual overhaul: New UI Scenery overhaul Custom character skins (Possible won’t be live with the initial Beta release) New […]
More Concept Art!

We’re re-inventing our map design and layout. Adding more interesting twists and turns to navigating the current map with a few extra mechanics. This will help players come up with different tactics and strategies, and make each match unique. And of course, shuffling around objects and making good design is at its best when supported […]